Resource Teachers: Learning and Behaviour (RTLB) are funded to work together with teachers and schools to support the class teacher of students experiencing learning and/or behaviour difficulties. Leeston School is the lead school for the Te Horanui RTLB Cluster which encompasses 58 schools from Ashburton through to Lincoln/Banks Peninsula.
Te Horanui RTLB cluster's mission is 'to build the capability and confidence of teachers through culturally responsive professional support to better met the needs of diverse learners within an inclusive environment to improve educational outcomes for all students'.
The way we work is guided by our practice framework - He Pikorua. He Pikorua is for all practitioners who work across learning support within our inclusive education system, such as Ministry of Education Learning Support and RTLB. This guidance allows us to work together using our combined knowledge, experience, skills and professional expertise. You can find out more information at
He Pikorua guiding principles that underpin all our mahi are:
Mokopuna and whanau-centred
Culturally affirming and responsive
The name of the cluster “Te Horanui” fittingly translates as “The Spreading Out”. The peninsula spreads out across from its volcanic origin. The valleys spread out into the sea, often with little creeks and rivers flowing out from them. The rivers near the schools spread out across the plains. Waihora, the lake, translates as “water spread out.” Likewise, the work of Te Horanui RTLB spreads out into cluster schools to support and enhance understanding of how best to improve outcomes for our tamariki.