Copyright © 2023 He Puna Karumata  Leeston Consolidated School   Website by Meltec
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19 Selwyn Street Leeston  7632
He Puna Karumata
Leeston Consolidated School 
Mana Ake
Mana Ake Kaimahi can:

* Work with children and their whānau at home and/or at school
* Deliver programmes that support resilience, self-esteem, emotional regulation, and coping with change.
* Support teachers to implement programmes that promote wellbeing
* Connect schools and whānau to community resources that enhance wellbeing
What is Mana Ake?
Mana Ake - Stronger for Tomorrow - provides wellbeing and mental health support for our students and their whanau. Mana Ake kaimahi (workers) work alongside our school with you and your children to promote wellbeing and provide support when a wellbeing or mental health concern is identified.  Mana Ake aims to intervene early to ensure the right support gets to the right child at the right time. Please speak with your child's teacher regarding this service.
Leeston Consolidated School