Copyright © 2023 He Puna Karumata  Leeston Consolidated School   Website by Meltec
E :
19 Selwyn Street Leeston  7632
He Puna Karumata
Leeston Consolidated School 


Our Vision

Our Values - Pillars of Care

Ka Manaakitia te Taiao
At Leeston Consolidated School we will
care for our environment

The tamariki at Leeston Consolidated school will:
* Care for our flora and fauna
* Be Kaitiakitanga for our team streams
* Know about our local area, the ecosystem and regeneration processes
* Take care of all learning spaces and areas
* Use resources wisely


Our learners are LEGENDS in the making. “Legends” is an acronym for the attributes we would like our tamariki to have when they graduate at the end of Year 6. We want them to have strong Leadership skills, to be Engaged and reflective learners, to be able to Gather and analyse information from a variety of sources, to recognise the value of Excellence in a sporting, cultural or academic context, to be able to Negotiate and collaborate and be Determined to Succeed in whatever they choose to do.
Ka Manaakitia ko Mātou
At Leeston Consolidated School we will
care for ourselves

The tamariki at Leeston Consolidated school will:
* Look after their belongings and learning spaces
* Take care of their body and all aspects of their Hauora
* Know how to express their emotions in a positive manner
* Feel valued, safe and accepted
* Have a growth mindset
* Have fun!
Ka Manaakitia te Tangata
At Leeston Consolidated School we will
care for each other

The tamariki at Leeston Consolidated school will:
* Respect each other
* Be inclusive
* Communicate with whanau and celebrate learning with them
* Promote the wellbeing of others through Te Whare Mauri Ora
* Be empathetic
* Help peers and adults
* Use kind words
The vision of Leeston Consolidated School is to support children to become ‘Leeston Legends’ – leaders, engaged in their learning, gathering information from a variety of sources, excelling in their field, able to negotiate, being determined and celebrating their success. In addition, we aim to encourage all students to demonstrate the values of care by promoting our three “Pillars of Care” - caring for the environment, caring for each other and caring for ourselves.
Our vision for Māori enjoying and achieving education success as Māori is for our tamariki to be comfortable with who they are and where they are at, and know about Tikanga Māori because of the everyday experiences and learnings that they participate in at Leeston School. By the time they leave us we want them to be proud of their heritage for then they become confident as Māori and want to be involved in activities that represent Māori culture
Leeston Consolidated School